Hi Britton, Thanks a lot, now the profiler works! Irina Quoting "Britton Smith" <brittonsmith@gmail.com>:
Hi Irina,
It would be more correct to use weight_field='CellMassMsun' with a density profile since what the profile is actually doing is adding up the field values for all the cells inside a spherical shell. Adding the weight field tells the profiler to calculate the weighted mean value instead of simply taking the sum. Anything like density or temperature for which a simple sum is meaningless should have a weight field.
The weight_field=None in the manual is a typo. I will change it and the next time the docs are rebuilt this will be reflected. You can also view the docs locally by unzipping the file docs_html.zip in the doc directory of the yt install.
The halo profiler can essentially do two things: profiling and projections. You can profile or project any field that yt makes available to you. The halo profiler also has functionality for filtering halos based on the profiles. All of this is discussed in detail in the halo profiler documentation: http://yt.enzotools.org/doc/extensions/halo_profiling.html
On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 8:30 AM, Irina Dvorkin <irina@wise.tau.ac.il> wrote:
Hello All,
I'm trying to use the halo profiler, without much success. If I want to plot the density, do I need to use the weight_field? It says weight_field=None in the manual, but weight_field='CellMassMsun' in the cookbook. Is it the same for Dark_Matter_Density?
Also, where can I see a list of things the halo profiler can in principle do? I coudn't find it on the site.
Thanks a lot for your help, Irina
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