Hi Lei,

As of yt-3.0, the halo finder known as ParallelHOP, or PHOP, has been removed.  There still exists another implementation of HOP that runs in parallel, but does not use the Forthon kdtree.  Since PHOP was the only module using Forthon, Forthon was removed from the install script.  Even though this has been removed, you still have a number of halo finding options.  If you have a large dataset, Rockstar is probably the best option, but have a look here for more information:


On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 10:33 PM, 杨蕾(Lei Yang) <yangleiseti@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all, 

         I am following the introductions to setup Parallel HOP but I got stuck at "cd into yt/utilities/kdtree". I dont have a folder name "kdtree" in yt/utilities. Is it because I installed the yt in a wrong way? I installed the yt using "All-in-One Installation Script", and when I was installing it, everything went smoothly. But I knew that before I installed yt, there is a python already on my Mac. Any tips? Thanks a lot! 


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