Hi yt gurus, I've been making projections of star_density from enzo output files and they seem to be working out fine. However, wherever particles do not exist the background remains white instead of following my chosen colormap. Is there a way to paint these areas to follow the colormap? thanks! Munier I've attached an image of what gets plotted, and the relevant bits of my script are: *from yt.mods import ** * * *fName = "DD0006/test_sim_0006"* *var = "star_density"* *axis = 0* * * *pf = load(fName)* *pf.h* * * *pc = PlotCollection(pf)* *p = pc.add_projection(var,axis)* *#p.modify["particles"](1.0)* * * *radius = .02;* * * *pc.set_xlim(.5-radius,.5+radius)* *pc.set_ylim(.5-radius,.5+radius)* * * *pc.save(fName)* -- Munier A. Salem // 845.489.6450