Hi Jasmin,

As of the current release of yt, the show() method only works in the jupyter notebook. This means that the behavior you're seeing is as expected. You should be able to launch a notebook over your SSH tunnel.

Austin Gilbert implemented integration with matplotlib's interactive backends over the summer and support for that is in the development version, but it has not yet made its way into a stable release.


On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 11:57 AM JASMIN HISON SHIN <jshin156@ucla.edu> wrote:
Hi Everyone,

      I am wondering why I cannot tunnel YT plots through ssh.  I am using ssh -Y user@somehpcc.edu, then doing ssh -Y to the node.  I can send xclock through to the XQuartz on the Mac that I am using and display plots made through iyt, but p.show() is not showing anything. I am using yt version = 3.3.1.  Could someone please help me troubleshoot this?

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