Hi all,

I'm sure I've just overlooked some bit of documentation, but I'm having trouble plotting particles generated by FLASH on top of the gas density. I've been able to load a plot file with the associated particle file via

ds = yt.load(plotfileName, particle_filename=partfileName)

However, when I try to create a projection and annotate the particles with

p = yt.ProjectionPlot(ds, "y", "density")
p.annotate_particles(1.0)                      # ValueError!
# p.annotate_particles((4.0, 'kpc'))         # ValueError!

I get a ValueError from h5py indicating that zero-length selections are not allowed. I have also tried passing the full width of the simulation domain to the annotation function without success. I suspect that this is a user error stemming from differences between the way that Enzo and FLASH store particle data. However, I can't find much in the way of documentation or examples for the FLASH particle data format.

Of course, it would also be handy to be able to write my own analysis scripts using both gas and particles, but for now, I'll settle for any help I can get on simple plotting functionality.


Jason Galyardt
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Georgia