Hello! I have a gadget snapshot that was generated from a non-cosmological simulation. This causes yt to ignore the box size parameter. However, when I try to make a plot, yt generally fails because ds.domain_left_edge = ds.domain_right_edge = 0.0. This necessitates that I change those parameters manually. My question is: is there a way to get the domain bounds from the file so that I don't have to set these manually every time? I noticed that if I get the box size wrong, yt complains about particle bounds exceeding the domain bounds, and so I looked a little bit at the code to see if I could figure out how yt was getting these numbers and see if I could just do something similar, but I haven't had a whole lot of luck. It seems that in the compute_morton function there's a pos_x.max and min function, but those are passed in _initialize_index as data having been read from an hdf5 file? I'm not super sure I understand what's going on there, but if anyone has any thoughts, I'd greatly appreciate it. I basically just need the max and min particle positions along each of the x, y, and z directions, but trying ad["Coordinates"] fails unless the bounds are properly set to begin with. Thanks! -Jared