Hello everyone! I'm simulating supernovae explosions with Ramses. I'm at the very very beginning of it. My first runs give nothing, but I'm unsure whether it's because I've misused Ramses or because I don't use YT properly to see results. My config file is this one: https://expirebox.com/download/59d92f446fea392dc9a6189603f1dc34.html Result files are here: https://expirebox.com/download/6bd562f210199b6b8581525c84d86eff.html When I try slices or projections, all I can see is that: https://ibb.co/jbeg9c I've loaded it with import yt ds = yt.load("my_path/output_00001/info_00001.txt") And then, tried things like yt.SlicePlot(ds, 'x', "density") or yt.ProjectionPlot(ds,'x','Density') (I've tried other axis too), but I can't get anything else that the image I've showed. Could someone help me to determine if the problem comes from my basic first simulation (Sedov supernovae phase) or from my Yt plots? I would really appreciate some help! Thank you very much