On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 7:42 PM, Nathan Goldbaum <nathan12343@gmail.com> wrote:
Try doing your additional plotting after calling plot.show() once. If you don't want to display the plot, try calling the private _setup_plots() method:


What's happening is that yt doesn't know you've used the matplotlib axes yt is using internally for its plots, so it just overwrites your additional customizations when you call plt.show(). So long as your customizations are the last thing that happens after you've fully set up your plot with yt (including any yt plot annotations) then your customizations a should show up.

If that doesn't help, if you can make a runnable example that demonstrates the issue you're running into one of us should be able to relatively straightforwardly demonstrate a workaround by modifying your example.

This issue comes up a lot, it occurs to me that it would nice if we could come up with a public API where users can get access to the matplotlib primitives but yt still has control over when the user-provided custom plotting gets applied.

Following up on this, I've filed an issue proposing such an API


On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 6:48 PM Setton, David Jonathan - (davidsetton) <davidsetton@email.arizona.edu> wrote:

Hi all,

I'm a relatively new user to yt, and I've been trying to figure out the best way to overplot some curves onto images generated by OffAxisProjectionPlot and OffAxisSlicePlot routines. My searching through the cookbooks has pointed me towards this page, which seems to indicate that accessing the matplotlib axes and figures are the right way to go about this. Following the example, I've created a density slice plot of my dataset and loaded in my plot in the following way:

dens_plot = slice.plots['density']

figure = dens_plot.figure
axes = dens_plot.axes
colorbar_axes = dens_plot.cax

From here, my next step would be to plot the line I wish to plot using axes.plot(). However, running slice.show() after doing this just shows the original plot and does not contain the plot I've attempted to overplot. I'm sure my misunderstanding comes from not being familiar with how matplotlib works under the hood, but does anybody have any suggestions for the best way to go about doing this? I would also like to plot individual points on a projection plot in the xy-plane at some point, which I would assume has a very similar method.



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