Dear yt-users,

I have a tiny question about loading files.

I understand when yt load files, it will load all the files in the directory. For example: if I do ds=yt.load('snap_103.0.hdf5’), then ds.field_list , yt would open all the files:

snap_103.0.hdf5*   snap_103.16.hdf5snap_103.22.hdf5snap_103.29.hdf5snap_103.6.hdf5*
snap_103.10.hdf5snap_103.17.hdf5snap_103.23.hdf5snap_103.2.hdf5*   snap_103.7.hdf5*
snap_103.13.hdf5snap_103.1.hdf5*   snap_103.26.hdf5snap_103.3.hdf5*                   
However, if our data only has one file :snap_103.hdf5*, then if I do ds=yt.load('snap_103.hdf5’), then ds.field_list, yt would still try to open all the files from snap_103.0.hdf5, however there is no snap_103.0.hdf5. It would report error: 

IOError: Unable to open file (Unable to open file: name = '/lustre/projects/p071_swin/yqin/smaug/ref_eff_l010n0128/data/snapshot_102/snap_102.0.hdf5', errno = 2, error message = 'no such file or directory', flags = 0, o_flags = 0)                                                                            

Is there an argument saying I don’t want to do loading recursively? I can make a link named snap_103.0.hdf5 to snap_103.hdf5. But it’s kind of inconvenient.

Yuxiang Qin
PhD Student
School of Physics
The University of Melbourne
VIC, Australia, 3010