This is likely happening because the field you are plotting defaults to a logarithmically scaled colorbar and there is less than one decade of variation in the plotted field.

What happens when you switch to linear colorbar scaling? You'll need to use the set_log function that is attached to yt plot objects.


On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 8:35 AM, Ricarda Beckmann <> wrote:

I keep producing projection plots where the colorbar is completely devoid of ticks and ticklabels so I don’t actually know what sort of densities/temperatures etc I am looking at.

I have found this tutorial: but I’d rather just let the values be determined automatically. Currently I’m not even sure what order of magnitude I am looking at.

Is there a way to force yt to show a minimum number of tick marks on the colorbar? I have a feeling this questions has been answered before but the archive is still down apparently.

Thanks for your help,

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