Hi Ari, Looks to me like it may actually not be enabled by default for some reason. Can you try calling: ds.field_info.create_cooling_fields("") and seeing if that adds the correct fields? If so, I'll update the code to do this automatically. -Matt On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 1:56 PM, Professor Maller <amaller@citytech.cuny.edu> wrote:
Hi Matt,
Those fields are not in my derived field list. That is ds.derived_field_list. Do I have to add them in some way? Or is there a way to check if yt didn't find the cooling??.dat files?
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Today's Topics:
1. ionization states in ramses data sets (Professor Maller) 2. Re: ionization states in ramses data sets (Geoffrey So) 3. Re: ionization states in ramses data sets (Matthew Turk)
Message: 1 Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 13:12:11 -0400 From: Professor Maller <amaller@citytech.cuny.edu> To: yt-users@lists.spacepope.org Subject: [yt-users] ionization states in ramses data sets Message-ID:
<CACCSjdOxDp+Mmgae1XLYJJvC7vJn52Xu59ppUA+p0mq7Fggz8A@mail.gmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Does anyone have code to create derived fields of ionization states, e.g. HI, for ramses data sets? If that's a no, does anyone have an example of a derived field where you have to read in a table and interpolate the field values.