Hi Paul, Welcome to yt! We have had a number of problems in the past using gnu compilers that are not the ones installed with xcode. I recommend you try again with those compilers. To do that, you should be able to just do: export CC=/usr/bin/gcc export CXX=/usr/bin/g++ Please, let us know if that doesn't work. Also, if it doesn't, please just send us the last 10 or 20 lines of the output log from the install script. That should be enough to diagnose the problem. Britton On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 10:19 AM, Paul La Plante <plaplant@andrew.cmu.edu>wrote:
I am having trouble installing yt on my personal machine using the install script. I downloaded the script from the suggested website ( http://hg.yt-project.org/yt/raw/stable/doc/install_script.sh) and attempted to execute it with `bash install_script.sh.' I have tried a few different combinations of install options, but it always seems to fail while building matplotlib. My system is OS X 10.8.3, and gcc version 4.8.0 (installed from MacPorts). I have attached my yt_install.log.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Best regards, Paul
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