Hi Dave,

The best I have been able to do for this is to manually bin up a 3d data object with the cut_region function and then do the calculation myself bin by bin.
For example, if you have a sphere, you can do
new_sphere = sphere.cut_region(['grid["Temperature"] > 1e5', 'grid["Temperature"] < 1e6'])
That'll give you access to all the cells within that bin for a variance calculation.  Note the quotes around those expressions.  The cuts are applied in yt using eval functions.

This will work, but it's slow and requires you to do a lot by hand.


On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 11:51 AM, david collins <antpuncher@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, Everybody!

Does anyone out there have a technique for getting the variance out of
a profile object?  A profile object is good at getting <X> vs. B, I'd
then like to get < (X - <X>)^2 > vs B.  Matt and I had spittballed the
possibility some time ago, but I was wondering if anyone out there had
successfully done it.


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