Thanks everyone, the outputnow and subcycleCount are reading into yt just fine. Thanks for the tips.
Nathan,Thanks for your response. I believe I have the lastest version of yt. I get this if I do an hg tip:[jsmidt@mu-fe1 yt]$ hg tipchangeset: 8217:fb6cce6a2936branch: yttag: tipuser: Nathan Goldbaum <>date: Mon May 27 09:24:17 2013 -0700files: yt/config.pydescription:Bumping the gold standard revision to gold0008.Now the checkpoint output is slightly different than a normal data dump. for instance, the DD0047/output_0047 file has this comment at the top which cannot be read into yt without being removed:# WARNING! This is a checkpoint dump! Lots of data!InitialCycleNumber = 228InitialTime = 20.046508365013InitialCPUTime = 0And there are additional fields like Acceleration fields with these checkpoint dumps. So I was wondering if this other error when finding the max values of fields is also checkpoint dump specific as the structure seems slightly different compared to normal data dumps. Thanks again.On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 7:45 PM, Joseph Smidt <> wrote:Hey everyone,My Enzo simulation has refined to enough levels that I need to make checkpoint dumps mid-timestep and do YT analysis from there. I can read in the checkpoint dump but when I go to find the max density I get this error: have any idea what is going on and how to fix this? Also, since this dump is in the middle of the W-cycle, I believe the time on the finest grid is different then the root grid. How do I find the time on the finest grid for this checkpoint dump? Thanks.
Joseph Smidt <>
Theoretical Division
P.O. Box 1663, Mail Stop B283
Los Alamos, NM 87545
Office: 505-665-9752
Fax: 505-667-1931--
Joseph Smidt <>
Theoretical Division
P.O. Box 1663, Mail Stop B283
Los Alamos, NM 87545
Office: 505-665-9752
Fax: 505-667-1931