Hi Joseph,

Can you update to the latest stable version of yt?  You should be able to upgrade by doing 'yt update' from the command line.  Once you've updated, you'll be able to additionally update yt's dependencies by running 'yt update --all'.

Hope that helps, let us know if you're still having trouble after updating.


On May 28, 2013, at 6:45 PM, Joseph Smidt <josephsmidt@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey everyone,

    My Enzo simulation has refined to enough levels that I need to make checkpoint dumps mid-timestep and do YT analysis from there.  I can read in the checkpoint dump but when I go to find the max density I get this error:  http://pastebin.com/2mNVxNyW

   Anybody have any idea what is going on and how to fix this?  Also, since this dump is in the middle of the W-cycle, I believe the time on the finest grid is different then the root grid.  How do I find the time on the finest grid for this checkpoint dump?  Thanks.

Joseph Smidt <josephsmidt@gmail.com>

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