Hi Renyue,
I have actually seen this on one other system but I could never reproduce it. Could you tell me the version of yt you are using? If you run "yt instinfo" it should tell you. I haven't seen this bug for the last few months so I thought it was gone.
Additionally, can you try the following at the end of your script:
write_bitmap(im, 'test2.png', transpose=False)
I think there may have been something wrong with the transposing of the image for a short time period a few months ago. I have very sporadic and unreliable internet at AAS but I'll try to respond as quickly as possible.
Sorry for the trouble,
Hi,I did some simple volume rendering with the following script:volume2 = AMRKDTree(pf, fields=["Dark_Matter_Density"],no_ghost=False, tree_type="domain",le=c-0.5*WW, re=c+0.5*WW)cam = pf.h.camera(c, L, W, N, tf, volume=volume2, no_ghost=False,north_vector=L, steady_north=True)cam.snapshot(fn="%s_iso-DMdensity-%3.3d.png" % (filenameTHIS, j))I got rather strange results in that the pictures look symmetric, which I am prettysure can not be true.I attach the obtained plot.Note that I am using KD tree and using 32 cores.Your help at your earliest convenience is appreciated.Best,Renyue