Hi David, Sorry about the delay in replying! The stereo spherical lens can be a bit frustrating. One of the big things that is probably worth mentioning in this particular case is that the volume rendering scene doesn't do any scale normalization, so if you cut out a bunch of data, the remaining data will still be the same size as it was before. You'll need to move the position of your camera to be closer to the center of your sphere in order to make it appear larger. I hope that helps! -Matt On Sat, Jan 16, 2021 at 9:38 AM <david.smolinski@hs.uni-hamburg.de> wrote:
Hi yt-Users, I have an issue with the stereo-spherical lens in volume rendering. I am simulating galaxy collusions with the Enzo Code and now I want to try to visualize these collusions in VR with the help of the stereo-spherical lens. My problem right now is that my box I am simulating the galaxies in, is much bigger than the galaxies itself. So, the galaxies are very small in the end and the plot is quite inexpressive. My approach to solve this problem was to reduce the volume, by putting a sphere around my galaxies like: data=yt.load(…) ds= data.h.sphere(‘max’, (100, ‘kpc’) (Please feel free to check the whole code on: https://cloud.hs.uni-hamburg.de/s/NZMiAWkSX9Zztse) But in the end this doesn´t changed the look of plot at all. The galaxies were as small as before. Do you have an idea how to solve this problem and getting a better view on the merging galaxies?
Many thanks,
David Smolinski _______________________________________________ yt-users mailing list -- yt-users@python.org To unsubscribe send an email to yt-users-leave@python.org https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/yt-users.python.org/ Member address: matthewturk@gmail.com