Hi Stephanie,

Thanks for including the script to reproduce the issue you're having. That made it much easier for me to see what was going on.

I think just adding the else statement is fine. I suspect what happened is that the original author of the OWLS/EAGLE frontends didn't consider that those functions might be called when a user defines a particle filter. In that case, ftype should be the name of the particle filter ('gas_cold' for your example). Just adding the else statement as you've done should be sufficient to fix the issue.

Would you like to make a pull request to the main yt repository making that fix? You could also add a test to the owls frontend (I'd do it in yt/frontends/owls/tests/test_outputs.py) that just makes sure your example script does something sensible.

If you don't want to make the pull request I'm happy to do so, just let me know.


On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 3:36 PM, Stephanie Ho <stephaniehkho@gmail.com> wrote:

I tried to set a particle filter with EAGLE and got an error.  Here is a simple example, which uses the EAGLE dataset from yt sample data.

import yt
from yt.data_objects.particle_filters import add_particle_filter
eagle_fpath = './data/snapshot_028_z000p000/snap_028_z000p000.0.hdf5'
unit_base = {'UnitLength_in_cm'         : 3.085678e+24,
             'UnitMass_in_g'            :   1.989e+43,
             'UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s' :    100000.0}
ds = yt.load(eagle_fpath,unit_base=unit_base)
ad = ds.all_data()

def cold_gas(pfilter, data):
    temperature = data[pfilter.filtered_type, "Temperature"]
    filter = (temperature.in_units('K') <= 1e5)
    return filter

add_particle_filter("gas_cold", function=cold_gas, filtered_type='PartType0', requires=["Temperature"])

Below shows the error.

UnboundLocalError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
/Users/stephaniehho/EAGLE_sim/sho/test_with_yt/test_z000p000/particle_filter_simple.py in <module>()
     21 add_particle_filter("gas_cold", function=cold_gas, filtered_type='PartType0', requires=["Temperature"])
---> 22 ds.add_particle_filter('gas_cold')

/Users/stephaniehho/yt-git/yt/data_objects/static_output.pyc in add_particle_filter(self, filter)
    673             if f is None:
    674                 return False
--> 675             used = self._setup_filtered_type(f)
    676             if used:
    677                 filter = f

/Users/stephaniehho/yt-git/yt/data_objects/static_output.pyc in _setup_filtered_type(self, filter)
    714             if filter.name not in self.filtered_particle_types:
    715                 self.filtered_particle_types.append(filter.name)
--> 716             new_fields = self._setup_particle_types([filter.name])
    717             deps, _ = self.field_info.check_derived_fields(new_fields)
    718             self.field_dependencies.update(deps)

/Users/stephaniehho/yt-git/yt/data_objects/static_output.pyc in _setup_particle_types(self, ptypes)
    723         if ptypes is None: ptypes = self.ds.particle_types_raw
    724         for ptype in set(ptypes):
--> 725             df += self._setup_particle_type(ptype)
    726         return df

/Users/stephaniehho/yt-git/yt/data_objects/static_output.pyc in _setup_particle_type(self, ptype)
    889     def _setup_particle_type(self, ptype):
    890         orig = set(self.field_info.items())
--> 891         self.field_info.setup_particle_fields(ptype)
    892         return [n for n, v in set(self.field_info.items()).difference(orig)]

/Users/stephaniehho/yt-git/yt/frontends/owls/fields.pyc in setup_particle_fields(self, ptype)
    112         super(OWLSFieldInfo,self).setup_particle_fields(
--> 113             ptype, num_neighbors=self._num_neighbors, ftype=ftype)

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'ftype' referenced before assignment

What I find is that, this problem seems to be temporarily solved if I add en else case at line 111 of the code: https://github.com/yt-project/yt/blob/master/yt/frontends/owls/fields.py,

But this will raise the questions of, what are ftype and ptype designed for at the first place, or will this temporary fix cause other errors that I have not yet encountered.

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