Hey Luke, What do the raw density values in your data look like? dens = ds.all_data()['density'] print dens.max() print dens.min() -Nathan On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 1:37 PM, Luke Zoltan Kelley <lkelley@cfa.harvard.edu
Hello again yt-users,
I'm trying to plot density from a FLASH simulation in 2D spherical. I assumed that a 'SlicePlot' would be the natural choice, slicing along axis '2'/'z'/'phi'.
pf = load('starwind_hdf5_plt_cnt_0000') slc = SlicePlot(pf, 2, "density")
However, I get the error:
yt : [INFO ] 2014-06-23 16:31:42,631 xlim = -400000000000.000000 400000000000.000000 yt : [INFO ] 2014-06-23 16:31:42,632 ylim = -400000000000.000000 400000000000.000000 yt : [INFO ] 2014-06-23 16:31:42,632 Making a fixed resolution buffer of (('gas', 'density')) 800 by 800 yt : [INFO ] 2014-06-23 16:31:42,698 xlim = -400000000000.000000 400000000000.000000 yt : [INFO ] 2014-06-23 16:31:42,698 ylim = -400000000000.000000 400000000000.000000 yt : [INFO ] 2014-06-23 16:31:42,699 Making a fixed resolution buffer of (('gas', 'density')) 800 by 800 yt : [INFO ] 2014-06-23 16:31:42,703 Making a fixed resolution buffer of (('gas', 'density')) 800 by 800 ERROR: ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() [numpy.ma.core] astropy: [ERROR ] 2014-06-23 16:31:42,864 ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-26-62c5de6a0872> in <module>() ----> 1 slc = SlicePlot(pf, 2, "density")
/Users/lzkelley/Applications/yt/yt-x86_64/src/yt-hg/yt/visualization/plot_window.pyc in SlicePlot(pf, normal, fields, axis, *args, **kwargs) 1872 del kwargs['north_vector'] 1873 -> 1874 return AxisAlignedSlicePlot(pf, normal, fields, *args, **kwargs)
/Users/lzkelley/Applications/yt/yt-x86_64/src/yt-hg/yt/visualization/plot_window.pyc in __init__(self, pf, axis, fields, center, width, axes_unit, origin, fontsize, field_parameters, window_size, aspect) 1093 if axes_unit is None: 1094 axes_unit = get_axes_unit(width, pf) -> 1095 self.set_axes_unit(axes_unit) 1096 1097 class ProjectionPlot(PWViewerMPL):
/Users/lzkelley/Applications/yt/yt-x86_64/src/yt-hg/yt/visualization/plot_container.pyc in newfunc(*args, **kwargs) 67 rv = f(*args, **kwargs) 68 args[0]._plot_valid = False ---> 69 args[0]._setup_plots() 70 return rv 71 return newfunc
/Users/lzkelley/Applications/yt/yt-x86_64/src/yt-hg/yt/visualization/plot_window.pyc in _setup_plots(self) 836 self._colormaps[f], extent, zlim, 837 self.figure_size, fp.get_size(), --> 838 self.aspect, fig, axes, cax) 839 840 axes_unit_labels = ['', '']
/Users/lzkelley/Applications/yt/yt-x86_64/src/yt-hg/yt/visualization/plot_window.pyc in __init__(self, data, cbname, cmap, extent, zlim, figure_size, fontsize, unit_aspect, figure, axes, cax) 1703 size, axrect, caxrect, zlim, figure, axes, cax) 1704 -> 1705 self._init_image(data, cbname, cmap, extent, unit_aspect) 1706 1707 self.image.axes.ticklabel_format(scilimits=(-2, 3))
/Users/lzkelley/Applications/yt/yt-x86_64/src/yt-hg/yt/visualization/base_plot_types.pyc in _init_image(self, data, cbnorm, cmap, extent, aspect) 114 extent=extent, norm=norm, vmin=self.zmin, 115 aspect=aspect, vmax=self.zmax, cmap=cmap) --> 116 self.cb = self.figure.colorbar(self.image, self.cax) 117 118 def _repr_png_(self):
/Users/lzkelley/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/figure.pyc in colorbar(self, mappable, cax, ax, use_gridspec, **kw) 1449 cax, kw = cbar.make_axes(ax, **kw) 1450 cax.hold(True) -> 1451 cb = cbar.colorbar_factory(cax, mappable, **kw) 1452 1453 self.sca(current_ax)
/Users/lzkelley/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/colorbar.pyc in colorbar_factory(cax, mappable, **kwargs) 1272 cb = ColorbarPatch(cax, mappable, **kwargs) 1273 else: -> 1274 cb = Colorbar(cax, mappable, **kwargs) 1275 1276 mappable.callbacksSM.connect('changed', cb.on_mappable_changed)
/Users/lzkelley/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/colorbar.pyc in __init__(self, ax, mappable, **kw) 875 kw['alpha'] = mappable.get_alpha() 876 --> 877 ColorbarBase.__init__(self, ax, **kw) 878 879 def on_mappable_changed(self, mappable):
/Users/lzkelley/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/colorbar.pyc in __init__(self, ax, cmap, norm, alpha, values, boundaries, orientation, ticklocation, extend, spacing, ticks, format, drawedges, filled, extendfrac, extendrect, label) 315 # The rest is in a method so we can recalculate when clim changes. 316 self.config_axis() --> 317 self.draw_all() 318 319 def _extend_lower(self):
/Users/lzkelley/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/colorbar.pyc in draw_all(self) 336 and do all the drawing. 337 ''' --> 338 self._process_values() 339 self._find_range() 340 X, Y = self._mesh()
/Users/lzkelley/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/colorbar.pyc in _process_values(self, b) 650 self.norm.vmin = 0 651 self.norm.vmax = 1 --> 652 b = self.norm.inverse(self._uniform_y(self.cmap.N + 1)) 653 if self._extend_lower(): 654 b[0] = b[0] - 1
/Users/lzkelley/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/colors.pyc in inverse(self, value) 1001 if cbook.iterable(value): 1002 val = ma.asarray(value) -> 1003 return vmin * ma.power((vmax / vmin), val) 1004 else: 1005 return vmin * pow((vmax / vmin), value)
/Users/lzkelley/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/ma/core.pyc in __mul__(self, other) 3705 def __mul__(self, other): 3706 "Multiply other by self, and return a new masked array." -> 3707 return multiply(self, other) 3708 # 3709 def __rmul__(self, other):
/Users/lzkelley/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/ma/core.pyc in __call__(self, a, b, *args, **kwargs) 936 # Case 1. : scalar 937 if not result.ndim: --> 938 if m: 939 return masked 940 return result
ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
yt instinfo Version = 3.0-dev Changeset = 90a724768665
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks so much! Luke
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