I wanted to follow up on this thread. First of all, thank you Sam, Nathan, and Matt for your input. You were correct on many levels: that the main problem stemmed from using ValidateSpatial(1) on a 2D dataset, that the 'dx' field could not be plotted because of some assumptions made in the PlotWindow interface (which have now been fixed), etc. Thanks!
But I have some related questions regarding this. My main reason for asking the questions in the notebook is that I'm trying to create a more complex derived field, shear, which I would like to work on both 2D and 3D datasets. It requires having 1 additional ghostzone on all sides in order to work (at least for velocity fields). I'm simply trying to scale the field by dx*(2^GridLevel), and this is what led to the weirdness that I distilled into the notebook I sent last week. When I try to use the dx and GridLevel fields as ValidateSpatial(1), I end up with the strange behavior I demonstrated in the notebook (and which is fixed by removing it or going to ValidateSpatial(0) ) , but I need to include that in order to have them work compatibly with the Velocity fields which are ValidateSpatial(1). Or is there a way to designate ValidateSpatial(1) for some fields and ValidateSpatial(0) for other fields? I tried doing it as a list of [ValidateSpatial(1), ValidateSpatial(0)] in the add_field call, but it still gave me mismatch errors in indices when trying to combine the fields. Does anyone have any ideas as to how to match up these seemingly incompatible field initializations under one roof?
I've put together another notebook which identifies some of the problems I'm encountering on this front:
Thanks for all of the help, everyone!