So what you’re doing is probably better done with yt-4.0. The main difference is that in yt 3.x we handle SPH data by depositing fields onto an octree mesh, but I doubt that this is a good way to visualize magnetic field data. In yt-4.0 we handle SPH data at the particle level without the deposition.


I would recommend cloning yt from github at and installing using the yt-4.0 branch. If you need help with this, let us know!


From: Siegfried Vanaverbeke <>
Reply-To: Discussion of the yt analysis package <>
Date: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 at 11:41 AM
To: Discussion of the yt analysis package <>
Subject: [yt-users] Re: magnetic fields with particle data


I was able to upgrade to version 3.6.0 using pip install yt --upgrade.

The code returns a message:


SlicePlot, ProjectionPlot, and OffAxisProjectionPlot can only plot fields that
are defined on a mesh, but received the following particle fields:

    [('io', 'magnetic_field_divergence')]

Did you mean to use ParticlePlot or plot a deposited particle field instead?


I think it should be 'deposit'.




Op di 26 mei 2020 om 17:55 schreef Siegfried Vanaverbeke <>:

I was 


Op di 26 mei 2020 om 17:19 schreef <>:

Hi Siegfried,


This is probably an oversight on our part that these fields are not correctly detected as having “gas” type. For most MHD codes, we have a special function that handles magnetic fields, but it looks like you are entering them in from memory using the yt.load_particles function.


I think if you access the field as ('io', 'magnetic_field_divergence'), It should work.


By the way, are you using the yt-4.0 branch for this? You probably should in this case.




John ZuHone


From: Siegfried Vanaverbeke <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 10:58 AM
Subject: [yt-users] magnetic fields with particle data




I have output from an SPH code including magnetic fields for each particle.  

I see there are no specific fields for MHD data related to particles. For example, I have 


data = {
       'particle_position_x': pos_x,
       'particle_position_y': pos_y,
       'particle_position_z': pos_z,
       'particle_mass': pmass,
       'particle_velocity_x': v_x,
       'particle_velocity_y': v_y,
       'particle_velocity_z': v_z,
       'magnetic_field_divergence': eb,
       'smoothing_length': h,
       'density': rho,
       'temperature': Tgas,
       'magnetic_field_magnitude': bmag    


and then want to plot 


mag = yt.SlicePlot(ds, 'z', ('gas', 'magnetic_field_divergence'),width=(6.0,'pc'))


But  'magnetic_field_x' is not known for particle data, so yt gives an error message.   Is there a way to circumvent the problem ?



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