Hi Christine,

Mpirun and ibrun are basically the same thing.  On Ranger, you just want to use ibrun.  You also don't need to specify the number of processors on Ranger.  It gets that from the "8way 16" line at the top.

The command in your script should be:

ibrun python2.7 test_parallel_yt.py --parallel


On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 5:20 PM, Christine Simpson <csimpson@astro.columbia.edu> wrote:
Hi all,

I'm trying to run yt in parallel on ranger.  I gather from previous
messages to this list that others have had issues in the past, but I
haven't been able to find something that works from those posts.

I'm trying to run a test script that does a simple projection.

First I tried this (from the yt docs):

ibrun mpirun -np 8 python2.7 test_parallel_yt.py --parallel

I got this output in the output file:
TACC: Setting memory limits for job 1896644 to unlimited KB
TACC: Dumping job script:
#  Submit this script using the "qsub" command.
#  Use the "qstat" command to check the status of a job.
#$-l h_rt=00:05:00
#$-pe 8way 16
#$-N test_parallel_yt
#$-q development
#$-M csimpson@astro.columbia.edu
#$-m be

ibrun mpirun -np 8 python2.7 test_parallel_yt.py --parallel

TACC: Done.
TACC: Starting up job 1896644
TACC: Setting up parallel environment for MVAPICH ssh-based mpirun.
TACC: Setup complete. Running job script.
TACC: starting parallel tasks...
Warning: Command line arguments for program should be given
after the program name.  Assuming that test_parallel_yt.py is a
command line argument for the program.
Warning: Command line arguments for program should be given
after the program name.  Assuming that test_parallel_yt.py is a
command line argument for the program.
Warning: Command line arguments for program should be given
after the program name.  Assuming that test_parallel_yt.py is a
command line argument for the program.
Warning: Command line arguments for program should be given
after the program name.  Assuming that test_parallel_yt.py is a
command line argument for the program.
Warning: Command line arguments for program should be given
after the program name.  Assuming that test_parallel_yt.py is a
command line argument for the program.
Warning: Command line arguments for program should be given
after the program name.  Assuming that test_parallel_yt.py is a
command line argument for the program.
Warning: Command line arguments for program should be given
after the program name.  Assuming that test_parallel_yt.py is a
command line argument for the program.
Warning: Command line arguments for program should be given
after the program name.  Assuming that test_parallel_yt.py is a
command line argument for the program.
Warning: Command line arguments for program should be given
after the program name.  Assuming that --parallel is a
command line argument for the program.
Missing: program name
Program python2.7 either does not exist, is not
executable, or is an erroneous argument to mpirun.
Warning: Command line arguments for program should be given
after the program name.  Assuming that --parallel is a
command line argument for the program.
TACC: MPI job exited with code: 1
TACC: Shutting down parallel environment.
TACC: Shutdown complete. Exiting.
TACC: Cleaning up after job: 1896644
TACC: Done.

I also tried this:

ibrun mpi4py -np 8 python2.7 test_parallel_yt.py --parallel

and got this output:
TACC: Setting memory limits for job 1896674 to unlimited KB
TACC: Dumping job script:
#  Submit this script using the "qsub" command.
#  Use the "qstat" command to check the status of a job.
#$-l h_rt=00:05:00
#$-pe 8way 16
#$-N test_parallel_yt
#$-q development
#$-M csimpson@astro.columbia.edu
#$-m be

ibrun mpi4py -np 8 python2.7 test_parallel_yt.py --parallel

TACC: Done.
TACC: Starting up job 1896674
TACC: Setting up parallel environment for MVAPICH ssh-based mpirun.
TACC: Setup complete. Running job script.
TACC: starting parallel tasks...
TACC: MPI job exited with code: 1
TACC: Shutting down parallel environment.
TACC: Shutdown complete. Exiting.
TACC: Cleaning up after job: 1896674
TACC: Done.

Any ideas?  I guess in the first instance it is not finding python, but
the test script I run works fine on the command line and doing -V should
import the same environment settings, right?  I guess in the second
instance I'm using the wrong mpi call.  I found info on that call in
some old posts to the email list.


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