Hi Elizabeth, I think the trouble is that you're comparing the 'x' coordinates, but they won't vary uniformly between the two types of rays. Can you try with "Radius" or "RadiusCode" and see if that improves it? -Matt On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Elizabeth Tasker <taskere@mcmaster.ca> wrote:
Hi Matt,
I did think about that, but it looks from the graph DD0010_LineQueryPlot_0_t_Density.png that the peak is a occuring at about 0.5, when it should be at ~0.9 in a box that runs from 0-->1.
I've attached the script.
Matthew Turk wrote:
Hi Elizabeth,
One possible issue is that the non-ortho ray is normalized to having a length in the "t" direction of 1.0; it's solved as a simple line integrated from point A to point B, and the way that's done is just with normalization.. Can you show us the entirety of the plotting script?
On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Elizabeth Tasker <taskere@mcmaster.ca> wrote:
I've got some (different) problems with add_ray. I have output from the Sedov blast test (so unitless sytems) which is run with a boxsize of 10. I can analyse the results using:
ray = pf.h.ray([5., 5., 5.], [10.,10.,10.], "Density") p = pc.add_ray([5.,5.,5.], [10.,10.,10.], "Density") oray = pf.h.ortho_ray(0, [5., 5.], "Density")
but only ortho_ray gives the correct result, and it's limited to going along the axes.
I've attached the results from the 3 techniques. fig0010.png shows the analytical solution (red line), the ortho_ray solution (green x) and the pf.h.ray solution (blue circles). DD0010_LineQueryPlot shows the results from pc.add_ray.
Does anyone know why this isn't behaving? A slice of the shock confirms it looks nice and spherical.
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