Hi Elizabeth,

There is probably a better way to do this, but since Orion doesn't have particle support at the moment, I have a routine for drawing the particle at position "r" onto a volume rendered image with arbitrary orientation.

import numpy as na

def add_star_projected(r,ax,cam,ms):
    """ Adds the particle at position r to Axes ax. Needs information on the orientation of the image plane contained in cam """
    north_vector = cam.unit_vectors[0]
    east_vector = cam.unit_vectors[1]
    N1 = cam.resolution[0]
    N2 = cam.resolution[1]
    c = cam.center
    r = r - c
    W = cam.width[0]
    y_pixels = floor(na.dot(r,north_vector) * (N2/W) + N2/2.0)
    x_pixels = floor(na.dot(r,east_vector) * (N1/W) + N1/2.0)
    ax.plot([x_pixels],[y_pixels],'wo', markersize = ms)

Assuming you're using the Camera interface, that contains all the information you need to do the conversion. If you can get a list of particles w/ their positions (we have our own way of doing this that probably doesn't apply), you can then loop through that and add them at the correct position on the off-axis projection.

Andrew M

On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 6:15 AM, Elizabeth Harper-Clark <h-clark@astro.utoronto.ca> wrote:
Hi all,

Thanks for all your help over the last couple of days. One more question:
    -  Can I plot particles on a volume rendered image?
I have stars and I want to show where they are!



Elizabeth Harper-Clark MA MSci
PhD Candidate, Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, UofT
Sciences and Engineering Coordinator, Teaching Assistants' Training Program, UofT

Astronomy office phone: +1-416-978-5759

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