Hi Britton,_______________________________________________Thanks for your reply. I am using yt-3.7.dev0 and I am using unyt 2.7.1.Best,MichaelOn Apr 27, 2020, at 3:23 AM, Britton Smith <brittonsmith@gmail.com> wrote:Hi Michael,Are you using yt-4.0 for this? If so, this might be an issue with the version of unyt. I experienced some similar issues with unyt 2.7.0, but these were fixed in 2.7.1. You can try upgrading that (pip install -U unyt). If you're not using yt-4.0 or that didn't work, let us know.Britton_______________________________________________On Sat, Apr 25, 2020 at 6:42 PM Michael Jennings <robertmjenningsjr@berkeley.edu> wrote:Thanks for the help! I decided to take the union approach.
However I’m running into a new problem when saving the region to a dataset and trying to reload the dataset. The region saves successfully but when loading it back in I get the following error:
box_file = box.save_as_dataset('datasets/box')
box_ds = yt.load(box_file)
Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-284-1b819f57f2a0> in <module>
1 box = make_box(iso_cond[0],'n',box_size)
2 box_file = box.save_as_dataset('datasets/box')
----> 3 boxds = yt.load(box_file)
~/yt-conda/src/yt-git/yt/convenience.py in load(*args, **kwargs)
84 candidates = find_lowest_subclasses(candidates)
85 if len(candidates) == 1:
---> 86 return candidates[0](*args, **kwargs)
87 if len(candidates) == 0:
88 if ytcfg.get("yt", "enzo_db") != '' \
~/yt-conda/src/yt-git/yt/frontends/ytdata/data_structures.py in __init__(self, filename, dataset_type, n_ref, over_refine_factor, units_override, unit_system)
242 self.over_refine_factor =
super(YTDataContainerDataset, self).__init__(filename, dataset_type,
--> 244
units_override=units_override, unit_system=unit_system)
246 def _parse_parameter_file(self):
~/yt-conda/src/yt-git/yt/data_objects/static_output.py in __init__(self, filename, dataset_type, file_style, units_override, unit_system)
248 self._create_unit_registry()
--> 250 self._parse_parameter_file()
251 self.set_units()
252 self._assign_unit_system(unit_system)
~/yt-conda/src/yt-git/yt/frontends/ytdata/data_structures.py in _parse_parameter_file(self)
246 def _parse_parameter_file(self):
--> 247 super(YTDataContainerDataset, self)._parse_parameter_file()
248 self.particle_types_raw = tuple(self.num_particles.keys())
249 self.particle_types = self.
~/yt-conda/src/yt-git/yt/frontends/ytdata/data_structures.py in _parse_parameter_file(self)
114 unit_system = "cgs"
115 # reset unit system since we may have a new unit registry
--> 116 self._assign_unit_system(unit_system)
118 # assign units to parameters that have associated unit string
~/yt-conda/src/yt-git/yt/data_objects/static_output.py in _assign_unit_system(self, unit_system)
920 else:
921 sys_name = str(unit_system).lower()
--> 922 unit_system = _make_unit_system_copy(self.unit_registry, sys_name)
923 self.unit_system =
~/yt-conda/src/yt-git/yt/units/unit_systems.py in _make_unit_system_copy(unit_registry, unit_system)
126 with the new registry.
--> 128 unit_system = unit_system_registry[unit_system]
129 base_units = ["length", "mass", "time", "temperature", "angle"]
130 if "current_mks" in unit_system._dims:
KeyError: 'us'
> On Apr 25, 2020, at 9:02 AM, Stephanie Tonnesen <stonnes@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> I think the previous answer is your best bet, but I actually just ran into perhaps something like this-my colleague was making projections and forgot we didn’t center our object so the projection was automatically looping to the other side of the box (even though our box is not periodic). We didn’t check this carefully because we didn’t want this, but might be worth just seeing what happens!
> Best,
> Stephanie
> On Sat, Apr 25, 2020 at 9:05 AM Contact <contact@cphyc.me> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> You can probably achieve the desired behaviour using an union of data objects, see https://yt-project.org/doc/analyzing/objects.html#boolean-data-objects.
> This lets you combine data objects. In your case, you could compute the (up to eight) rectangular regions that cover the area around your maximum overdensity.
> For example in 1D, if your maximum density is located at x=0.1 and you want all the data at a distance of 0.2, you would take the union of the regions [0.9, 1.0] and [0.0, 0.3] (here I assumed a domain width of 1).
> I hope that helps,
> CC
> 24 Apr 2020 19:27:07 Michael Jennings <robertmjenningsjr@berkeley.edu>:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > The documentation for the YTRegion class states "If the selected region extends past the edges of the domain, no data will be found there, though the object’s left_edge or right_edge are not modified.” Is there an easy way to change this to exhibit periodic behavior? For example: if the specified right_edge extended past the edges of the domain, data will be selected as continuing from the left of the domain.
> >
> > My ultimate goal is to create a square region centered on argmax(“density”) and calculate summed quantities in the region while successively increasing the size of the box assuming periodic boundaries.
> >
> > Does anyone have any insight?
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> --
> --
> Dr. Stephanie Tonnesen
> Associate Research Scientist
> CCA, Flatiron Institute
> New York, NY
> stonnes@gmail.com
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