Question about YT Filter Part

Hi, everyone! I met trouble when I used YT-fliter part. At first, I have tried exclude_ function, however, it said that there is no such an attribute. The version of my YT is 3.5.0, I donnot know if it is because of the old version. Here is the error info: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File "", line 85, in <module> vort_ds=ds.exclude_inside(('boxlib','vort_z'),-1e3,1e3) P000 yt : [ERROR ] 2022-01-26 17:34:53,155 AttributeError: 'BoxlibDataset' object has no attribute 'exclude_inside' application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then I tried cut_region function, however, it said that some argument is lost and I donnot know why. Here is the error info: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File "", line 82, in <module> vort_ds = ds.cut_region(['(obj["boxlib", "vort_z"] > 1e3)']) P000 yt : [ERROR ] 2022-01-26 17:07:37,086 TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'conditionals' application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will be appreciate if anybody can help me! Thank all! He Yifeng

Hello! I'm not sure about exclude_inside, but when using cut_region, you have to specify a selection object. So either use cut_region hanging off of the selection as follows: import yt ds = yt.load("Enzo_64/DD0042/data0042") ad = ds.all_data() hot_ad = ad.cut_region(['obj["gas", "temperature"] > 1e6']) OR, if using cut_region off the dataset object (as you are doing), you need to also provide the selection object as the first argument, followed by the conditionals: ad = ds.all_data() hot_ad = ds.cut_region(ad, ['obj["gas", "temperature"] > 1e6']) Hope that helps! Best, Chris
participants (2)
Chris Havlin