Fresh bugfix batch is out of the oven: announcing yt 4.0.5 ! We strongly recommend upgrading if you're using yt to analyse SPH data. See the release notes for details https://github.com/yt-project/yt/releases/tag/yt-4.0.5 Happy analysis ! Clément

This may be a dumb question, but I recall there being a "regular" version of yt, and a "demeshed" version in developement. I have been using the demeshed version for particle data-- does the newest version (4.0.5) have the demeshed part included/is there anything special I need to do to implement that methodology? Thank you for your time! --Jacob Morgan ________________________________ From: Clément Robert via yt-users <yt-users@python.org> Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2022 2:40 PM To: yt-users@python.org <yt-users@python.org> Cc: yt-dev@python.org <yt-dev@python.org>; Clément Robert <clement.robert@protonmail.com> Subject: [EXTERNAL] [yt-users] ANN: yt 4.0.5 is out Fresh bugfix batch is out of the oven: announcing yt 4.0.5 ! We strongly recommend upgrading if you're using yt to analyse SPH data. See the release notes for details https://github.com/yt-project/yt/releases/tag/yt-4.0.5<https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fyt-project%2Fyt%2Freleases%2Ftag%2Fyt-4.0.5&data=05%7C01%7Cjmorgan15%40crimson.ua.edu%7Cda69ecaea8d04cd9155808da7bd16c11%7C2a00728ef0d040b4a4e8ce433f3fbca7%7C0%7C0%7C637958436643403688%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=PZjXBOo1%2FQmEyCqPspkVz1xM%2FkA7jRMB1JbwD2y7A1g%3D&reserved=0> Happy analysis ! Clément

Thanks! Another (hopefully) quick question: When trying to import the new version, I got the following error: ValueError: Trying to re-register the builtin cmap 'cubehelix' Looking into it, this has something to do with name overlap between special yt colormaps and built-in ones from matplotlib (I'm using matplotlib 3.5.2, and trying to install yt 4.0.5). If I google the error, I find past discussions about it on github (https://github.com/yt-project/yt/pull/3149). This one makes it sound like I should just downgrade matplotlib to 3.3.x. But! I also got an email when yt 4.0.4 came out which said: "Most notably it (yt 4.0.4) fixes (future) compatibility with matplotlib 3.6, as well as a couple minor bugs." which makes it sound like this issue should be solved already in yt 4.0.4 and .5. Is downgrading matplotlib below 3.4 still the best workaround?

Hi Jacob, The error you’re seeing was actually already resolved in yt 4.0.0, so if you’re seeing it, you may not be running the version you think. You might want to check with python -c ‘import yt; print(yt.__version__)" As a general note we always take care of making yt compatible with the latest version of matplotlib, so you should never need to downgrade anything if you’re using recent versions of yt. Clément

Ooookay, I see what I did-- if you do $conda install --channel conda-forge yt it installs an earlier version, I fixed this issue by just updating: $conda update --channel conda-forge yt Thank you for the help! However! Now when I try to import, I have an issue with h5py: AttributeError: module 'h5py' has no attribute '__version__' I checked into it, and it looks like updating to 4.0.5 has essentially removed h5py (I can import h5py, but it can't do anything, it just has a few bare attributes like __file__). Looking at the readout during installation, it does say that these two packages will be removed: h5py-3.1.0-nompi_py38hafa665b_100 hdf5-1.10.6-nompi_h3c11f04_101 and I don't see anything installed to replace them. Should I just reinstall h5py separately? Thank you so much for your time, I hope I'm asking about this in the right place. If I'm not let me know!

This may be a dumb question, but I recall there being a "regular" version of yt, and a "demeshed" version in developement. I have been using the demeshed version for particle data-- does the newest version (4.0.5) have the demeshed part included/is there anything special I need to do to implement that methodology? Thank you for your time! --Jacob Morgan ________________________________ From: Clément Robert via yt-users <yt-users@python.org> Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2022 2:40 PM To: yt-users@python.org <yt-users@python.org> Cc: yt-dev@python.org <yt-dev@python.org>; Clément Robert <clement.robert@protonmail.com> Subject: [EXTERNAL] [yt-users] ANN: yt 4.0.5 is out Fresh bugfix batch is out of the oven: announcing yt 4.0.5 ! We strongly recommend upgrading if you're using yt to analyse SPH data. See the release notes for details https://github.com/yt-project/yt/releases/tag/yt-4.0.5<https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fyt-project%2Fyt%2Freleases%2Ftag%2Fyt-4.0.5&data=05%7C01%7Cjmorgan15%40crimson.ua.edu%7Cda69ecaea8d04cd9155808da7bd16c11%7C2a00728ef0d040b4a4e8ce433f3fbca7%7C0%7C0%7C637958436643403688%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=PZjXBOo1%2FQmEyCqPspkVz1xM%2FkA7jRMB1JbwD2y7A1g%3D&reserved=0> Happy analysis ! Clément

Thanks! Another (hopefully) quick question: When trying to import the new version, I got the following error: ValueError: Trying to re-register the builtin cmap 'cubehelix' Looking into it, this has something to do with name overlap between special yt colormaps and built-in ones from matplotlib (I'm using matplotlib 3.5.2, and trying to install yt 4.0.5). If I google the error, I find past discussions about it on github (https://github.com/yt-project/yt/pull/3149). This one makes it sound like I should just downgrade matplotlib to 3.3.x. But! I also got an email when yt 4.0.4 came out which said: "Most notably it (yt 4.0.4) fixes (future) compatibility with matplotlib 3.6, as well as a couple minor bugs." which makes it sound like this issue should be solved already in yt 4.0.4 and .5. Is downgrading matplotlib below 3.4 still the best workaround?

Hi Jacob, The error you’re seeing was actually already resolved in yt 4.0.0, so if you’re seeing it, you may not be running the version you think. You might want to check with python -c ‘import yt; print(yt.__version__)" As a general note we always take care of making yt compatible with the latest version of matplotlib, so you should never need to downgrade anything if you’re using recent versions of yt. Clément

Ooookay, I see what I did-- if you do $conda install --channel conda-forge yt it installs an earlier version, I fixed this issue by just updating: $conda update --channel conda-forge yt Thank you for the help! However! Now when I try to import, I have an issue with h5py: AttributeError: module 'h5py' has no attribute '__version__' I checked into it, and it looks like updating to 4.0.5 has essentially removed h5py (I can import h5py, but it can't do anything, it just has a few bare attributes like __file__). Looking at the readout during installation, it does say that these two packages will be removed: h5py-3.1.0-nompi_py38hafa665b_100 hdf5-1.10.6-nompi_h3c11f04_101 and I don't see anything installed to replace them. Should I just reinstall h5py separately? Thank you so much for your time, I hope I'm asking about this in the right place. If I'm not let me know!
participants (3)
Clément Robert
Jacob Morgan
Matthew Turk