ionization states in ramses data sets

Hi, Does anyone have code to create derived fields of ionization states, e.g. HI, for ramses data sets? If that's a no, does anyone have an example of a derived field where you have to read in a table and interpolate the field values. Thanks, Ari

Hi, according to what worked for me for enzo data is the following def _HINeutralFraction(field, data): return data['HI_Density']/(data['HI_Density']+data['HII_Density']) add_field('HINeutralFraction',function=_HINeutralFraction, units=r"\rho_\mathrm{HI}/\rho_\mathrm{H}") unless there's something strange with ramses dataset, the above should work. From G.S. On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 10:12 AM, Professor Maller <> wrote:
Does anyone have code to create derived fields of ionization states, e.g. HI, for ramses data sets? If that's a no, does anyone have an example of a derived field where you have to read in a table and interpolate the field values.
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Hi Ari, My reading of yt/frontends/ramses/ is that this should be implemented already, using the cooling_%05i.dat files. If it's able to find those files, it will create the appropriate derived fields from them -- specifically, I think it can do Electron, HI, HII, HeI, HeII, and HeIII. Is it not creating those? On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 12:12 PM, Professor Maller <> wrote:
Does anyone have code to create derived fields of ionization states, e.g. HI, for ramses data sets? If that's a no, does anyone have an example of a derived field where you have to read in a table and interpolate the field values.
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Hi all, Do you mean ionisation states in the cooling function for the non-RT version of RAMSES (i.e. rt=.false. in the namelist) or the ionisation states per cell for the RT version? (I don't know much about the ATON module but let us know if you're using this). If you just want the values in the cooling table then what Matthew said should work, although I've never tried it myself. If you do mean the rt=.true. version (compiled with -DRT), then they're the last nGroups (usually =3) variables in the hydro file, depending on if you've modified RAMSES to include other variables (I'll need to check if this is true if you're using MHD). Either you can give the Ramses output object a list of fields when you create it, or if you use the default field assignation RAMSES will call variables after pressure/metallicity "var6", "var7", etc. The last time I looked YT can't read the RT output files, but these only contain photon counts, etc; the ionisation states are in the hydro files, which YT can read. I'm travelling at the moment but can take a quick look if this didn't answer your question. Cheers Sam On 14/08/14 18:22, Matthew Turk wrote:
Hi Ari,
My reading of yt/frontends/ramses/ is that this should be implemented already, using the cooling_%05i.dat files. If it's able to find those files, it will create the appropriate derived fields from them -- specifically, I think it can do Electron, HI, HII, HeI, HeII, and HeIII. Is it not creating those?
On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 12:12 PM, Professor Maller <> wrote:
Does anyone have code to create derived fields of ionization states, e.g. HI, for ramses data sets? If that's a no, does anyone have an example of a derived field where you have to read in a table and interpolate the field values.
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participants (4)
Geoffrey So
Matthew Turk
Professor Maller
Sam Geen