2nd Announcement of yt user conference: RHytHM

Calling any and all yt-users! I am pleased to send out the 2nd announcement for *RHytHM:* *R*esearc*H* using *yt* *H*ighlights *M*eeting! *It is taking place Dec 9-11 for a few hours each day, and if you sign up early enough (Nov 16) we will try to account for your time zone when settling on the exact hours!* The goal of the meeting is for yt users to share how yt helps them with their research. Sharing how yt helps *your *workflow may inspire the rest of us to use yt in a way we had never even considered! We are so excited to see what everyone is up to, and to make life easy, when you sign up for a talk, *you can choose* if it is a longer, more detailed talk (25+5), a shorter talk (15+5), or a lightning-style quick look at something for which you use yt (5 mins). This is meant to be a fun, informal meeting, so sign up to talk about *any* aspect of yt *you* use! As a yt user, let me share some talk ideas I hope *YOU* sign up to give: *--*Share why phaseplots are the best plots *(I could look at **phaseplots** for a whole conference, honestly)* --Share a new colormap that beats kamae *(a low bar, possibly? ...or impossibly high?)* *--*Show how phaseplots let you compare simulations to observations! *(to figure out if the simulation in which we live is flawed)* --Show how slices are way better than projections for your work *(I'll believe it when I see it)* --Explain a neat way you select data *(is cut_region your friend, too?)* --Walk me through your yt extension! *(so many cool things use yt: https://yt-project.org/extensions.html <https://yt-project.org/extensions.html>, is yours on the list?)* *-*-Show how phaseplots can sometimes be basically a projection, but BETTER. *(phaseplots are so useful, amiright?)* --Two words: volume. rendering. (*more words: is it scientifically helpful or just gorgeous?)* --A plot you can't quite make using yt that you feel like *should just work*! *(lines on phaseplots, anyone?)* *--*Surprise me with a phaseplot I haven't thought of! *(other things than phaseplots are acceptable)* *Please take a look and register (by Nov 16) if interested! Share with your networks! *https://indico.flatironinstitute.org/event/722/ We look forward to seeing many of you (on zoom) in December! Best, The SOC Stephanie Tonnesen Matt Turk Madicken Munk John Zuhone -- Dr. Stephanie Tonnesen Associate Research Scientist CCA, Flatiron Institute New York, NY stonnes@gmail.com
participants (1)
Stephanie Tonnesen