yt-napari tutorial series and live virtual events

Some exciting yt-napari announcements! -------------------------------------- yt-napari video tutorial series -------------------------------------- The first two videos in the yt-napari tutorial series are now available, covering introductions to napari and yt-napari. 1. Intro to napari for yt users: 2. Tour of the yt-napari plugin: Future videos will cover more advanced napari and yt-napari usage and will be added to the yt-napari playlist here: --------------------------- yt-napari live events --------------------------- I'll be convening some live weekly events: starting off with a drop-in virtual help and discussion session on zoom on Thursday June 29 at 10am central time. Come with questions or development ideas! Zoom link will be posted in the #yt-napari channel of the yt slack (remember, you can join the yt slack via the link at ). ----------------------------- other ways to get help ----------------------------- - join the #yt-napari channel in the yt slack and ask there - post in the general yt help channel and ping me (@Chris Havlin) - send me a direct message on slack (@Chris Havlin) Happy visualizing! Chris
participants (1)
Chris Havlin