We're proud to announce the release of yt version 1.7, an analysis and visualization toolkit for Adaptive Mesh Refinement data. (Just in time for the Enzo Workshop!) This release fixes a number of bugs, as well as numerous improvements to the code base and the documentation. Most prominently, it features "two-point functions" such as structure and correlation functions, a re-engineered volume rendering interface, multivariate volume rendering, off-axis projections, and a mechanism for complex postscript plot layout. Additionally, a major aspect of the drive to 1.7 has been re-engineering the API documentation to be better suited to interactive help (the "help(...)" call in python) as well as the documentation website ( http://yt.enzotools.org/doc/ ). Some of the changes since yt-1.6 (Released on January 22, 2010) include: * Direct writing of PNGs * Multi-band image writing * Parallel halo merger tree * Parallel structure function generator * Image pan and zoom object and display widget * Parallel volume rendering * Multivariate volume rendering, allowing for multiple forms of emission and absorption * Added Camera interface to volume rendering * Off-axis projection * Stereo (toe-in) volume rendering * DualEPS extension for better EPS construction * Rewritten, memory conservative and speed-improved contour finding algorithm * Speed improvements to volume rendering * Preliminary support for the Tiger code * Lightweight projection loading with projload * Improvements to yt.data_objects.time_series * Improvements to yt.extensions.EnzoSimulation * Speed improvements to basic HOP * Better docstrings and documentation (The full changelog: http://yt.enzotools.org/doc/changelog.html ) yt features native support for Enzo (http://lca.ucsd.edu/projects/enzo) data, providing a natural and intuitive way to address physical regions in space as well as processed data. Installation instructions can be found here: http://yt.enzotools.org/doc/installation.html . If you are running an older version of yt, re-obtaining and re-running the installation script should happily upgrade your installation. yt is a Free and Open Source project, and we invite you to get involved. For more information, join the yt-dev mailing list, or see the hacking guidelines on the Wiki: http://yt.enzotools.org/wiki/HackingGuidelines . We anticipate a few more releases in the 1.7 series as documentation and docstring coverage progress. Sincerely, The yt development team: Matthew Turk Stephen Skory Britton Smith John Wise Jeff Oishi Sam Skillman Devin Silvia David Collins

Hi All, As an addendum to the yt-1.7 release announcement, if you plan on using any of the functions that use the Fortran kD-tree: * Parallel halo merger tree * Parallel structure function generator * Parallel HOP you will need to manually rebuild the fKDpy.so object after upgrading. The instructions are the same as before: http://yt.enzotools.org/doc/extensions/running_halofinder.html#fortran-kd-tr... If you don't wish to use the tools above, you need not worry about the kD-tree - yt will function just fine without it for you! We hope to someday make the Fortran kD-tree build automatically with the rest of yt, but for now this is what has to be done. Let me know if you run into problems. _______________________________________________________ sskory@physics.ucsd.edu o__ Stephen Skory http://physics.ucsd.edu/~sskory/ _.>/ _Graduate Student ________________________________(_)_\(_)_______________

Hi All, As an addendum to the yt-1.7 release announcement, if you plan on using any of the functions that use the Fortran kD-tree: * Parallel halo merger tree * Parallel structure function generator * Parallel HOP you will need to manually rebuild the fKDpy.so object after upgrading. The instructions are the same as before: http://yt.enzotools.org/doc/extensions/running_halofinder.html#fortran-kd-tr... If you don't wish to use the tools above, you need not worry about the kD-tree - yt will function just fine without it for you! We hope to someday make the Fortran kD-tree build automatically with the rest of yt, but for now this is what has to be done. Let me know if you run into problems. _______________________________________________________ sskory@physics.ucsd.edu o__ Stephen Skory http://physics.ucsd.edu/~sskory/ _.>/ _Graduate Student ________________________________(_)_\(_)_______________
participants (2)
Britton Smith
Stephen Skory