Hi all, I have just installed and built yt-2.0 on Kraken. The Cray CNL kernel has been upgraded on Kraken which means that the old static-Python build requirements are no longer necessary. This means that it is easier to install yt on Kraken, which would seem to make the common install unneeded. However, one of the requirements for running with shared-Python is that various shared libs need to be copied to lustre because the compute nodes cannot see the home disks. This install of yt is in a non-volatile part of lustre, so you don't have to worry about things being deleted from underneath you as a result of automated purges. To use it is simple, your environment needs to be set like this (depending on your $SHELL): export PYBASE=/lustre/scratch/proj/yt_common/2.0 export PATH=$PYBASE/2.0/bin:$PATH export PYTHONPATH=$PYBASE/lib/python2.6/site-packages export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PYBASE/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH when you want to run a batch job, you need to also set this (you should probably make the dot-dir by hand, first): export MPLCONFIGDIR=$TG_CLUSTER_SCRATCH/.matplotlib/ Let me know if you have problems! _______________________________________________________ sskory@physics.ucsd.edu o__ Stephen Skory http://physics.ucsd.edu/~sskory/ _.>/ _Graduate Student ________________________________(_)_\(_)_______________
participants (1)
Stephen Skory