Hi all, In keeping with the current direction of the yt project, on the yt-dev mailing list there was some discussion recently about the mission statement of the project, the scope, and the directions we want to take it in the future. These goals have grown with time and the scope of the project has expanded, as the mission statement on the front page indicates. In keeping with this, Britton Smith proposed on yt-dev yesterday that we migrate from the ".enzotools.org" domain toward something less focused on a particular simulation code. Today we have migrated the domains over to yt-project.org. All of your existing links should transparently continue working, but from now on we're going to be identifying as yt-project.org, paste.yt-project.org, and hg.yt-project.org rather than the previous .enzotools.org domains. There are a few new interesting things coming down the pipe as well with this transition. As always, if you'd like to chat about this further, feel free to reply to this message, stop by the yt-dev mailing list, or drop in on IRC. If you run into any glitches with the changeover, let me know (I'm the one behind the steering wheel for the DNS and service provider stuff) so that I can try to make it as smooth as possible. Thanks very much, Matt
participants (1)
Matthew Turk