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  • 939 messages
Re: [Pycon-volunteers] Launching sign ups soon
by Rami Chowdhury
7 years
[Hydpy] Re: Hackathons invite
by Cassie Breen
4 years, 6 months
[HydPy]Latest hackathons for Hyderabad Python Meetup Group members to learn new skills, build and solve challenges
by Cassie Breen
4 years, 5 months
[HydPy]Re: Latest hackathons for Hyderabad Python Meetup Group members to learn new skills, build and solve challenges
by Cassie Breen
4 years, 5 months
[Hydpy] Hackathons invite
by Jatin Goel
4 years, 7 months
Re: [Python-Dev] [RELEASE] Python 2.7.16
by Hasan Diwan
6 years
Re: [Python-ideas] Dict joining using + and +=
by Hasan Diwan
6 years
[Pycon-volunteers] More volunteers needed, please spread the word!
by Rami Chowdhury
6 years, 10 months
Re: [Pycon-volunteers] Volunteer Opportunites at PyCon 2018
by Betsy Waliszewski
6 years, 10 months
[Python-Dev] Re: Thank you Larry Hastings!
by Hasan Diwan
4 years, 5 months