
Pycon Registration

Note that this list is closed to postings from non-subscribers. You must first subscribe and confirm, then you can post to the list.

Moreover, new subscribers are moderated by default. Once you can prove that you are a human being and you can post messages that are at least moderately on-topic, your moderation bit should be cleared and you should be able to post without going through the moderation process.

Also note that all posts made to the list will be publicly archived.

In order to protect the integrity of the list archives, we do not routinely agree to remove or obscure posts that are in the archives. We only do this in exceptional circumstances such as if someone has posted personal/private information about someone else, or an obviously private e-mail has accidentally been posted to the list.

To contact the list owners, use the following email address:

You have to sign in to visit the archives of this list.

Subscription / Unsubscription

To subscribe or unsubscribe from this list, please sign in first. If you have not previously signed in, you may need to set up an account with the appropriate email address.

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