List for discussion of HPy:
The list is moderated.
Subscribers to the list are in one of two categories: "new" and "approved".
New subscribers' posts will be held and only released to the list after review by a moderator. After a post has been approved, the subscriber will become "approved" and their posts will no longer require review.
A new subscriber will be unsubscribed after a post was removed by moderators.
Approved subscribers may be moved back to the "new" category if they begin abusing the list.
Decisions by the moderators can be appealed to the steering council.
Criteria for deciding if a post should be deleted from the moderation queue:
- Replies to a post with generic language and a link not connected to HPy.
- Generic information not connected to HPy.
Offers of employment are welcome only if they include a commitment to open-source contributions as part of employment.
To contact the list owners, use the following email address:
Subscription / Unsubscription
To subscribe or unsubscribe from this list, please sign in first. If you have not previously signed in, you may need to set up an account with the appropriate email address.