[python-advocacy] usergroup.planet.python.org ?

Stephan Deibel sdeibel at wingware.com
Sat Mar 17 16:19:45 CET 2007

Chris McAvoy wrote:
> On 3/16/07, Tennessee Leeuwenburg <tennessee at tennessee.id.au> wrote:
>> If you need help reaching anyone, just let me know.
> I have a small spreadsheet of emails I pulled at Pycon from specific
> cities...if you have any other contacts, I'm happy to add them to the
> list.  This goes for everyone else as well, if you have contacts in
> your town, or in other PUG locations, shoot me an email.

Another idea, with permission of the PyCon organizers, is to announce
to the attendees email list.  These are people that came to a conf
so may be interested in continuing face to face contact with other
Python programmers.

In past years more things were announced to this list than I saw
come through this year, and it's probably not unreasonable to do this.

- Stephan

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