[python-advocacy] Outline for Penguin Day lightning talk

A.M. Kuchling amk at amk.ca
Tue Mar 20 01:44:31 CET 2007

I'm working on a lightning talk for Penguin Day DC and would like to
discuss how to tailor the content for the audience.  Here's the outline:

	  Is a programming language
	  Makes a great general tool for many different applications
	    Web applications
	    GUI applications
	    System administration
	    Fast prototyping

	Organizations using Python:
	  Washington Post
	  Nature Conservancy
	  Visual effects: ILM, Pixar, DreamWorks Animation

	Tools available for Python
	  Content management apps: Zope, Plone
	  Web app development: Django, others
	  IDEs (commercial and not): SciTE, IDLE, WingIDE, Eclipse support.
	    Database interfaces (standard API for RDBMSes)
	    SciPy: Numeric programming
	    Distributed computing (Pyro, XML-RPC, SOAP (XXX check this)!)

	Example code (1 slide -- something interesting)

	  Success stories
	  Package Index: www.python.org/pypi
          User groups
* Penguin Day is in association with a conference aimed at non-profits.

* I'm not sure how technical the audience will be, so the outline
  avoids talking about actual language features; the one slide of
  example code may be removed if the presentation needs to be
  shortened.  Instead it tries to emphasize 1) Python's general
  usefulness for many domains, and 2) the Python community.

* Hence the mentioning of various organizations...

* I hope someone from Plone will be there, hence the prominent mentions of Zope/Plone.

* Are there any Python applications that would be especially relevant to non-profits?

* Any suggestions for libraries that should be emphasized?

* Any suggestions for a good code snippet to show?


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