[python-advocacy] Starting a Users Group

Grig Gheorghiu grig at gheorghiu.net
Tue May 29 23:00:10 CEST 2007

I started the SoCal Piggies group (Southern California). Here are some
answers to your questions:

Our group meets once a month. We typically have 2 to 3 people
presenting on their topic of choice. Presentations are typically 30 to
45 minutes long. We have a Web site/wiki at www.socal-piggies.org where
you can see what has been presented since 2005, when our group started.

Some benefits of having a Python user group:
* getting Python enthusiasts together -- great way to generate ideas
for new projects, or get collaborators for existing projects
* learning something every month
* sharpening your presentation skills
* spreading the word about Python
* job networking

...but maybe most importantly, it's just the pleasure of sitting in the
same room and talking with people passioned about Python. Think
miniature PyCon.

If I were you, I'd advertise on comp.lang.python and on blog(s)
aggregated into Planet Python.

As for a mailing list, you can get a Google project hosted at
code.google.com. That'll give you a wiki, a mailing list, and svn, all
for free.


--- Greg Lindstrom <gslindstrom at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, All-
> I'd like to start a Python Users Group in Central Arkansas.  Can
> anyone help
> me with any/all of the following:
>    1. Why have a users group?  This may seem like a silly question,
> but
>    what is it that users groups accomplish?  My idea would be to get
> Python
>    coders together once-in-a-while (once a month?  is that too
> optimistic?) to
>    discuss...what?  I have conducted seminars at two local high
> schools
>    teaching Python; I'd like to do more.  What else?
>    2. How do I get word out?  I *know* there are Pythonistas in the
> area,
>    how do I find others?
>    3. What about a mailing list?  Where can I get one hosted?  I'm
>    willing to spend some $$ per month.  Perhaps that's a good start.
> Thanks for your help.
> Greg Lindstrom
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