[python-advocacy] Why another language?

Cameron Laird Cameron at phaseit.net
Fri Apr 18 21:35:42 CEST 2008

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 11:22:35PM -0400, Noah Gift wrote:
> I apologize for not responding earlier we are in the last week of getting
> our book finished and it is a bit chaotic.  These are all excellent
> suggestions, and we are incorporating these suggestions in the book as we
> can.  One final question I had was if there was an official spot on the
> Python wiki for Systems Administration and people that write about systems
> administration.  We want to make sure we give other bloggers, writers, and
> developers as much credit as we can, and point readers to further sources of
> information.  In many cases, this will be pointing them to the original
> source :)
> A few random people that I have read sysadmin related material from are
> Sean, Cameron, David, Grig, Titus.  I am sure I am missing many others, but
> having this information in a static URL on the python.org website would be
> excellent, but we need this by Monday.  If someone would like me to create
> this static URL if it does not exist, I am more than happy to.

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