[python-advocacy] re Python bug tracker screencast

Harald Armin Massa haraldarminmassa at gmail.com
Tue Aug 19 13:11:38 CEST 2008

> Because it's my first, I'd really appreciate comments on how to
> improve it.
congratulation to your broadcast!


1) the seconds of white browser screen at the beginning was a stumbler
for me. I was not really sure if everything is working.
Recommendation: before explaining, enter the URL, and start with
something "the Python bugtracker @ bugs.python.org is......"

2) you explain when a bug gets to the top. There was something like
"status changed..." - maybe you can point to what is happening

3) you click on a bug to track down. Maybe take your speech "let's
look at ... by clicking on the title" BEFORE you click

4) I especially like the marking of the single fields while explaining
them. It would help to have something more then the labels read, along
the line "the title describes xxxxxx" (That was really help full at
the nosy list)

5) how did you get back from the single bug to the list? Browser back?
Is that okay in this web app?

6) found tickets are ordered by priority (voice) mouse is pointing on
status. Is status==priority?

7) the explanation of type, keywords in the fancy search are really helpfull!

8) WOW! there should be more of that screen casts!

best wishes


GHUM Harald Massa
persuadere et programmare
Harald Armin Massa
Spielberger Straße 49
70435 Stuttgart
no fx, no carrier pigeon
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