[python-advocacy] 'Learning Python' a top-selling O'Reilly title

A.M. Kuchling amk at amk.ca
Wed Jan 9 01:23:52 CET 2008

>From http://radar.oreilly.com/archives/2008/01/a_year_in_oreilly_books.html:

	What's notably missing from the bestseller lists: books on
	programming languages (besides Javascript). The top
	programming language books in last week's bookscan report were
	Learning Python, followed closely by the just-released Head
	First C#. Books on Java, Perl, PHP, and yes, even Ruby, are
	well down the list. Books on Linux, MySQL, and security
	ditto. In the professional computer area, networking, software
	engineering, and database books that weren't specific to any
	particular database product were the overall winners


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