[python-advocacy] O'Reilly on computer book publishing

A.M. Kuchling amk at amk.ca
Tue Mar 11 14:03:21 CET 2008

discusses the number of books sold for programming languages:
Mid-Minor Programming Languages -- 10,000 - 64,999 units in 2007

	So the news in this category is that Python has swapped places with
	Perl as the leader of the category. Perl had seven fewer titles make
	it into the Top 3000 while Python saw an additional 8 make the
	list. Powershell came out of nowhere and surpassed all the other
	groupings to make this list.

Before dancing too much, note that Ruby is in the next category up,
mid-major languages (along with VB, SQL, ActionScript, and VBA).


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