[python-advocacy] Packaging usage survey ?

Tarek Ziadé ziade.tarek at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 11:55:21 CET 2008

On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 11:37 AM, Jeff Rush <jeff at taupro.com> wrote:

> I definitely agree with you - we can't design a solution when we don't
> even
> know the exact problem.  It's amazing the different perspectives I'm
> reading.
>  I'm working on summarizing them down into a meaningful set, finding the
> common elements.

cool, I think many people quit following those threads at this time

> Coming up with a meaningful set of questions will be some effort.
> Reaching those not on the core mailing lists is also very difficult - so
> many
> people don't read any lists or join any usergroups.  The survey would need
> to
> be open for some time, to collect those inputs.  But it is an interesting
> idea.

Yes it is hard indeed. Both creating the survey, and reaching people.

To make it better, maybe we can point some people that are able to reach
"sub communities"

For instance, I could be a "plone representative" and help on the survey
a Plone point of view, since I know how we build and distribute Plone, Zope
apps, on the top of
distutils, etc..  on Linux, windows, etc..

Then I can help spreading the survey in the Plone community.
But I am certainly not able to make sure the questions fit from, let's say..
a Twisted or a Django point of view.. or even an Ubuntu one..

So maybe we could create a working group that gathers those people, and try
to see
if we can come up with a global survey, that would be a base for Phillip Eby
and al
to work on a global solution.


> -Jeff
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Tarek Ziadé | Association AfPy | www.afpy.org
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