[python-advocacy] PythonTurtle

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Mon Aug 3 18:34:52 CEST 2009

cool-RR wrote:
> Hello PSF,
> My name is Ram Rachum, and I'm a Python programmer. I wanted to show 
> you a little side project that I have just released.
> Here is its website: http://pythonturtle.com <http://pythonturtle.com/>
> Which explains everything you need to know about it.
> You probably the know the turtle.py module which is part of the 
> standard library of Python: I was aware of it when I decided to start 
> this project. The main difference between PythonTurtle and the turtle 
> module is that PythonTurtle is a standalone application, easier to use 
> and with illustrated help screens.

Could you share code with the standard library module? The maintainer of 
the standard library turtle is very active.

For a version that can run in the browser I recommend Silverlight / 
Moonlight that will let you run Python code in the browser - and 
provides a canvas for the UI.

All the best,

> Sincerely,
> Ram Rachum
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