[python-advocacy] OSCON: Fifty-word blurb

Aahz aahz at pythoncraft.com
Mon May 18 01:28:19 CEST 2009

On Sun, May 17, 2009, Michael March wrote:
> I have been thinking about this over the past day since the original email
> of this thread was sent.. While the extensibility via C/C++ is important..
> The Java/.NET implementations are very important and somehow need to be
> mentioned. Correct me if I am wrong but Python was the first "dynamic"
> language for both the Java VM and the .NET CLR.
> I would whack "and other languages" to free up three words for something
> else..

Good points.

> Also, saying Google and Youtube are sort of redundant now since they are the
> same company.. but I do acknowledge they are two different brands.

AFAIK YouTube was and is the single largest-scale Python application (in
terms of number of users); although Google made heavy use of Python
before its purchase of YouTube, it mostly isn't used for front-facing
server code.

Latest version, fifty words, one word available by chopping "standard":

Python is a dynamic, object-oriented, general purpose programming
language with an extensive standard library.  Python runtimes are
available for platform binary, .NET, and Java.  Python encourages
readable, maintainable, and high-quality code with its clean syntax and
built-in test frameworks.  Adopters include Google/YouTube, Industrial
Light and Magic, EVE Online, and Philips.
Aahz (aahz at pythoncraft.com)           <*>         http://www.pythoncraft.com/

"In 1968 it took the computing power of 2 C-64's to fly a rocket to the moon.
Now, in 1998 it takes the Power of a Pentium 200 to run Microsoft Windows 98.
Something must have gone wrong."  --/bin/fortune

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