[python-advocacy] How programming language webpages should be designed

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Thu Nov 12 21:46:43 CET 2009

Ray Allen wrote:
> Skulpt looks good and would be a 'nice-to-have', but given the 
> preference for a static page, and given the ease with which a nice 
> contrasting image displaying code could be added, why not start with 
> something like this..

On the Ruby site "Try Ruby online" is a prominent link but not actually 
itself on the front page (or even on the ruby-lang.org site itself).

> http://docs.google.com/View?id=dct77gh9_0hkv55s7w

Well, I really like it. :-)

Personally I doubt the news items are important to *new* visitors of the 
Python.org site - who are the most important visitors. I would have no 
objection to pushing the news items down in favour of a prominent code 
example like that.

I have a *strong* preference for the code example being text (styled 
with CSS) rather than image though.

All the best,


> Ray


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