[python-advocacy] How programming language webpages should be designed

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Thu Nov 12 23:43:10 CET 2009

Aahz wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 12, 2009, Michael Foord wrote:
>> Personally I doubt the news items are important to *new* visitors of the  
>> Python.org site - who are the most important visitors. I would have no  
>> objection to pushing the news items down in favour of a prominent code  
>> example like that.
> This has been discussed before, and so far the sentiment among people
> actually maintaining the website is to consider existing Python users an
> important clientele.

Fair enough.

Do you think that pushing the news down 'a bit', below a code example 
like that, would substantially work against that aim?

All the best,

> Some reasons why:
> * Encouraging them to join the community
> * Giving emphasis to the PSF (related to previous point)
> * Providing support (many people end up using Python e.g. as part of work)
> * Encouraging people to become core developers
> Not that I'm claiming that the existing site necessarily is doing the
> best job of meeting these goals, but I do think that changing the site in
> ways detrimental to these goals will get pushback.
>> I have a *strong* preference for the code example being text (styled  
>> with CSS) rather than image though.
> +1 -- copy/paste for testing/playing is essential


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