[python-advocacy] [dfwPython] brainstorming new ways to teach Python 101

Tim Freund tim at freunds.net
Sun Aug 8 23:57:57 CEST 2010

On 08/08/2010 12:16 PM, Brad Allen wrote:
>> When is the event?  What is th AV plan?
> Saturday, August 28  (see http://pytexas.org).
> Tim Freund volunteered to drive to Texas and help with AV. We're still
> waiting for other volunteers to step forward and assist, and I think
> we'll probably have some locals be forthcoming pretty soon. (My wife,
> Bonnie, will be on hand to help though she doesn't have any AV
> experience).
> Personally I'd enjoy having a video covering the event more like a
> news crew, rather than strictly one video per talk.
>   Tim? Do you want to say anything about AV-related planning?

Sure -- ebay has been good to me, and I was able to pick up three DV 
video cameras and two mixers for very little cash.  That plus the 
equipment I already owned should get us pretty far.  I'm planning to do 
a few dry runs over the next week just to test the new equipment.

I will also add some details to the recording page in the PyTexas wiki 
- what we have
- what we may need
- what volunteers can do to help.

I'm new to video, so any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.   Thanks!


Tim Freund
913-207-0983 | @timfreund
http://achievewith.us | http://tim.freunds.net

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