[AstroPy] numarray pdf 1.5 is broken. Using numdisplay, Python, PIL, and Tkinter
Cohen-Tanugi Johann
cohen at lpta.in2p3.fr
Tue Apr 7 07:44:39 EDT 2009
looks like you have a conflict of namespace.
import matplotlib as mpl
and then
Wayne Watson wrote:
> This balked at the fig= line
> ntuser/fun-pyfits.py", line 6, in <module>
> fig = figure()
> TypeError: 'module' object is not callable
> I'm using image = pyfits.getdata('mpl51.fits'), and that's OK.
> Thomas Robitaille wrote:
>> Have you tried matplotlib? For example:
>> from matplotlib import figure
>> import pyfits
>> image = pyfits.getdata('lena.fits')
>> fig = figure()
>> ax = fix.add_subplot(111)
>> ax.imshow(image)
>> fig.canvas.draw()
>> You can use matplotlib to do interactive stuff. If you really want to
>> use Tkinter to display FITS images, I can send you an example.
>> Best,
>> Thomas
>> On 6 Apr 2009, at 08:32, Wayne Watson wrote:
>>> Hi, it must be than that the version of the pyfits user manual I found
>>> is out of date, since it talks about numarray.
>>> I just wanted to confirm that I understood the role of ds9, which is as
>>> you essentially wrote, is a program and not a python module.
>>> I just found the numpy manual, Dec. 7, 2006, by Oliphant. Is that the
>>> current one? It mentions fits once, and image about 5 times (mostly as
>>> what seems to be a module). Here are a few lines from the manual:
>>> • nd image –> scipy.ndimage
>>> • convolve –> scipy.stsci.convolve
>>> • image –> scipy.stsci.image
>>> If you don’t want to install all of scipy, you can grab just these
>>> packages from SVN
>>> using
>>> imshow is not found in it. The manual is close to 350 pages. I
>>> certainly
>>> don't want to print it if it doesn't meet my needs. To put it in terms
>>> of Python, consider:
>>> import Image
>>> im = Image.open("lena.ppm")
>>> print im.format, im.size, im.mode
>>> im.show()
>>> I'm looking for a capability somewhat like that above for fits, and not
>>> ppm. show is pretty primitive, but the the idea is that I want this
>>> little program to display lena.fits.
>>> Cohen-Tanugi Johann wrote:
>>>> hi Wayne, I am not sure I understand your request, but :
>>>> 1) numarray is obsolete, use numpy.
>>>> 2) ds9 is meant to display fits image, it has nothing to do with
>>>> internet AFAIK. You also have FV from HEASARC.
>>>> 3) if you need to just visualize a fits image as an array, you have
>>>> several possibilities in numpy : imshow, pcolor, etc.... check the
>>>> user(s guide.
>>>> HTH,
>>>> Johann
>>>> Wayne Watson wrote:
>>>>> I tried downloading the numarray from the web and Acrobat burped. It
>>>>> came up with an error. Where is the official site for it?
>>>>> It appears to display a fits image one must either use numdisplay or
>>>>> some combo of numarray and Python's PIL and a GUI like Tkinter. I
>>>>> really want to use Python in such a manner if it is possible. From
>>>>> what little I know about DS9, it is an internet viewer.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Wayne Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)
>>>>> (121.01 Deg. W, 39.26 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)****
>>>>> "Less than all cannot satisfy Man." -- William Blake
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>>> Wayne Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)
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>>> "Less than all cannot satisfy Man." -- William Blake
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> --
> Wayne Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)
> (121.01 Deg. W, 39.26 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)****
> "Less than all cannot satisfy Man." -- William Blake
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